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[打印] [關(guān)閉] 發(fā)布時間:[2010-01-11 00:00]

        2014年度大會將在星期二舉行,2014年4月29日,在下午4時在斯德哥爾摩大學(xué)Aula Magna,frescativ,6代,斯德哥爾摩,瑞典。



      The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is Atlas Copco’s supreme decision-making body in which all shareholders are entitled to take part. The shareholders may exercise their voting rights in a number of important issues, such as the election of Board members, approval of financial statements, discharge of liability for the President and CEO and the Board, and the adoption of the proposed distribution of profits. All shareholders registered in the shareholders’ register who have given due notification to the company of their intention to attend, may join the meeting and vote for their total shareholdings. Atlas Copco encourages all shareholders to attend the AGM and shareholders who cannot participate personally may be represented by proxy holders.



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