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[打印] [關(guān)閉] 發(fā)布時間:[2010-01-11 00:00]

        2014年6月份,阿特拉斯空壓機ZA 6g-300低壓,為蒙古-呼和浩特的金達威醫(yī)藥集團的營養(yǎng)補充制造工廠,提供高可靠節(jié)能環(huán)保的無油壓縮空氣,主要將壓縮空氣用于發(fā)酵過程當中。金達集團,世界領(lǐng)先的營養(yǎng)補充劑供應(yīng)商,現(xiàn)目前已擁有了三個生產(chǎn)制造基地,在廈門,呼和浩特,蒙古。為了滿足在發(fā)酵過程中的壓縮空氣需求,阿特拉斯公司的銷售與技術(shù)服務(wù)團隊首推ZA 6g-300低壓螺桿式空壓機并確保該機組在蒙古呼和浩特生產(chǎn)線的平穩(wěn)運行。



        阿特拉斯空壓機所生產(chǎn)出來的壓縮機空氣純潔度百分百,首家獲得ISO8573-1 0級認證。眾多周知,0級意味著污染零風險,損壞或者不安全的產(chǎn)品零風險,以及因工作停工損失零風險。ZA空壓機機站的可靠性高,耐用性持久。阿特拉斯證明了螺釘技術(shù),不銹鋼冷卻器,AGMA A4/DIN 5齒輪,和藝術(shù)電氣傳動系統(tǒng)的狀態(tài),所有一切都有助于整體的可靠性高。無油壓縮機技術(shù)的領(lǐng)導者,以確保用戶今年的安全生產(chǎn)年不間斷。

        ZA 6g-300設(shè)備,全封閉電機確保連續(xù)IP55操作和出色的可靠性,同時還集成變頻驅(qū)動技術(shù)提供了高達35%的電能源的節(jié)約,大大降低了用戶用電方面的損耗。

      “Fermentation is one of the most important steps in producing our key additives, including coenzyme Q10, DHA, and ARA for milk and nutritious health products,” said Mr. Jiang , Site Manager at Hohhot.

      “As there are 16 fermentation tanks connected to the production line, the pre-filter, moisture separators and other equipment may cause drops in pressure and air loss,” said Leo Yang, Senior Sales Engineer with Atlas Copco. “To maintain the incoming air pressure in the fermentation tank at 2-2.5 bar – and taking into consideration other production processes and conditions – we set the front-end input pressure at 3 bar to keep the fermentation production line running stable.”

      The purity of the compressed air is of critical importance during the fermentation process. “As the compressed air comes into direct contact with the fermentation process, air purity is vital. The presence of even small oil traces will kill the bacteria, contaminate the end product and put consumers’ health at risk. Therefore, absolute oil-free compressed air is our focus,” stressed Mr. Jiang.

      The first manufacturer to receive ISO 8573-1 Class 0 (2010) certification, Atlas Copco ZA compressors have set a new standard for 100% air purity. Class 0 means zero risk of contamination; zero risk of damaged or unsafe products; and zero risk of losses due to operational downtime.

      ZA compressors also stand for durability and reliability. They incorporate Atlas Copco’s proven screw technology, stainless steel coolers, AGMA A4/DIN 5 gears, and state-of-the art electrical drive systems – all of which contribute to overall high reliability.

      Added Mr. Jiang, “Atlas Copco is the technology leader of oil-free air compressors today, which ensures us uninterrupted and safe production for years.”

      Equipment spotlight: ZA 6G-300,Totally enclosed IP55 motor ensures continuous operation and exceptional reliability,Integrated variable speed drive technology offers energy savings up to 35%.

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