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Atlas Copco’s Water for All celebrates 30 years

    Stockholm, Sweden, August 22, 2014: Today it is exactly 30 years since Water for All was founded. What once was a one-time initiative to collect money to a project in Peru has grown into a worldwide initiative with presence in 35 countries. Water for All has helped more than 1.5 million people get access to clean drinking water.
Atlas Copco Corporate Responsibility - Social Water for all.
    Water for All is today Atlas Copco’s main community engagement project, initiated and driven on local level by Atlas Copco employees. Its mission is to provide people in need with long-term access to clean drinking water. “The need for clean drinking water in the world is huge and we are very proud of the work done by dedicated employees, supported by the company,” said Annika Berglund, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications and Governmental Affairs.

    Water for All is represented in 35 countries with about 5 000 regularly donating employees around the world. This amount is boosted by the Atlas Copco Group, which matches the employee donations by twice the amount.100% of the employee donations go directly into water projects.

   The work of Water for All is described on the website www.water4all.org. In this link you find a video where the two founders tell their touching story about why and how Water for All was founded and an animated video that shows how water changes lives.



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